Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Progress at Homegrown Farm...

It's all starting to happen!  It feels quite surreal actually.  Very exciting times!

First we received our building permit...I can't even begin to tell you how excited we were about that!

The beginning of our house paddock...

The boys and I had a visit to see how it was coming along...

Enjoying the view...

and the sunshine...

Our big fat mooies before heading off to market...I do struggle being a vegetarian with cows but that's another blog post...

Jumping forward...the boys got to have a turn of the big toys...

Boys and dirt piles just go hand in hand...

I've just been realising how many photos of Ethan I have put up, I think it's because he's usually the only one that will pose for me...lol...

We sold our 8 cows and replaced them with 12 steers...

Breaking ground on the house...drilling stump holes

Michael and his Dad have been working so hard every weekend and any spare moment...

Last weekend we had a bit of a crew of volunteers to help out with the next set of stumps...certainly made that round a little easier!

 Michael and his Uncle making sure it's all as it should be...

The boys had a great view watching all of the work...notice how everything has dried out now that summer is on it's way...it's happened so quickly!

It's so exciting to watch it all unfolding.  We are still such a long way off living up there, but to see it all being built, one step at a time with our own hands is really amazing. 

This is my first link up with Essentially Jess because IBOT!

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